Monday, May 24, 2010

Things I love about my girls...

My girls... they love fancy dresses and swamps. I think what I love most about these two things is that while they love a pretty dress, they take no issue with scaling trees or tromping through a swamp while wearing them. I LOVE THAT!

They certainly aren't the types to shy away from a snake or frog eggs and we couldn't be happier with that. Although I must note that at times you can find me at the washer cursing the laundry :)

Charlotte's photo of skunk cabbage. She immediately noticed the vibrant green and wanted to photograph it. She has a good eye for color, doesn't she? They really are a good looking plant, if you can get past the smell.

Forget the playground, these fallen trees were the ultimate climber!

At the top

This swamp is swimming with life. As you walk down to it, there is a bit of dark forest, and as the woods clear away to swamp, the bright green of the swamp fills with sunlight. It is really a beautiful place. One more reason we love visits to Western MA.

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