Last week, our house was a flurry of Valentine's crafts and activities.
Lily creating valentines for the ones that she loves
Some of her sweetest cards
Some of her sweetest cards
With 24 classmates, I thought that the novelty of homemade cards would wear off after a while. But, Charlotte loved every minute of it.
My favorite Valentine that Charlotte made. It is a picture of clothes hanging in her closet. Can you see the hangers? I would have kept this if I could. It is just so... Charlotte.
We made some window pane cookies to go along with the lovely cards.
This year, I was set to have the girls buy pre-made valentines. The thought of making nearly 40 cards between the two, just seemed like too much. But then Lily started them all on her own, and Charlotte reminded me of how special homemade gifts are. So, really, how could I resist. Once again, I am glad that I listened to them. It was fun and they loved creating for others. Just the perfect valentine for a mama~kind and thoughtful kids.